e-GRAFCET is a tool for supporting the teaching-learning process of GRAFCET ( which can be implemented using the programming language Sequential Function Chart – SFC). While this tool was initially developed by Elton Matias in the work conducting to obtain the MSc in Electrical and Computers Engineering [1] under the supervision of Paulo Moura Oliveira and José Boaventura da Cunha. [1] Elton Matias (2007), “Ferramenta Educacional para o Ensino do GRAFCET”, Dissertation, UTAD, PDF, available in: http://repositorio.utad.pt/bitstream/10348/273/1/msc_ermatias.pdf
e-GRAFCET+ can be regarded as an evolution of e-GRAFCET, namely in what concerns the user interface, adaptability to mobile devices, upgrading of accessibility issues, performed by Carlos Mendes e Luís Iria in the scope of a MSc project I in Informatics Engineering, with supervision of Paulo Moura Oliveira and Eduardo Solteiro Pires.
This tool can be complemented by using the following publication (just in Portuguese):
De Moura Oliveira P. B., Boaventura J. e Solteiro Pires E. J. (2010), "e-GRAFCET", Série Didática, N.º 412, Vila Real, UTAD, Edição Ciências Aplicadas, pp. 137, ISBN: 978-972-669-985-9.
Other publications about e-GRAFCET are the following:
Matias E., De Moura Oliveira P. B., Boaventura Cunha J., Solteiro Pires E. J. e Soares F., (2010), “E-GRAFCET: A Multimedia Educational Teaching Tool”, Controlo' 2010- 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, September, Coimbra, Portugal, 6 pag.
Leão C., Soares F., Machado M., Moura Oliveira P. B. and Boaventura Cunha J., (2011), "A support tool for teaching GRAFCET: engineering students" perceptions", in Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2011, November 11-17, Denver, Colorado, USA, #IMECE201164235, 6 pages (DVD).